How to make a perfect fillet with sauted mushrooms and rosemary

Everybody loves a good steak on a cold rainy night. So I did what any man would do, I made one. A fillet mignon is one of the most perfect chunks of protein you can get. An 8 oz steak will give you 31.51 grams of lean protein, 312 calories and 19 grams of fat. Good clean, lean protein. Now the mushrooms sauted in butter and salt ruin all that but who cares? Part of living good is living good! Now I like to use a non-stick grill with some extra virgin olive oil on it under which I put my gas flame on high. I cook the first side of my steak on high for about 3 to 4 minutes. When I flip it, I turn the flame down a bit and its another 3 or 4 minutes. That gives me a rare/medium rare fillet. I like mine bloody, but you might not. The secret is searing it and salting it.
Now on the mushrooms, You'll notice I added white wine but I'm drinking red. You can use red wine in the sauted mushrooms or no wine at all, but I find that I don't like the color the red wine gives them. Whatever you do, make sure you keep the heat fairly low especally if you're using a stainless steel pan because you don't want to burn the garlic or the butter.
You can serve this with a full bodied cabernet, a merlot or a French bordeaux or burgandy. Enjoy!

Reader Comments (4)
Looks like devine !
I'll admit your steak looks good John but try this sometime;
Stuff your meat in a ziplock bag with soy sauce in it, suck all the air out and seal it in there for an hour or more. Slice up some 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick pieces of whole onion. I usually do the rest of the prep right on the grill. That's right, open flame. Butter your steak with butter - not margerine. Just like putting butter on a piece of bread. Add garlic powder and fresh cracked black pepper to taste. Now put some more black pepper on it. DO NOT SALT IT OR USE GARLIC SALT. Put some slabs of onion right around outside the high flame part of the grill. Place your meat-de-jour butter side up in the hot part of the flame. The idea here is to actually put a little burn on the fat. 3 minutes or so later turn it over and do the butter, garlic, pepper, thing to the other side and throw it back in the fire. Turn onions as needed. Press on your meat to gauge wellness. Personally, I just burn the other side for a couple of minutes and eat it pretty rare topped with grilled slab-o-onion goodness.
I will check back to see the video of your manly attempt to try this. Yer gonna love it!
Dan, that sounds very good! I'll try it and report the results!
Hi John, Looks good, I enjoyed the Miles Davis cd in the background too. Thanks for sharing.