The Finished Product.....sort of...

Not only did I spell 'outtakes' wrong on my clip, but there are a few other glitches that happened. But be it as it is, here is one thing you can do with the anchovies that I talked about yesterday. Here is the recipe.
4 or 5 salt packed anchovies
1 medium can of crushed red tomatoes
3 cloves garlic
1/4 cup capers
extra virgin olive oil to cover bottom of pan
sea salt and coarse ground pepper to taste
red pepper flakes
Fillet and rinse the anchovies
If you're using salt packed capers, rinse in a bowl of running water for 10 minutes
Chop the garlic fine or you may want to do it the way Big Pauli did it in Goodfellas and slice them paper thin with a razor blade.
Heat oil in a medium sauté pan on high and add the garlic
Sauté garlic for about a minute, DON"T BURN IT, and add the crushed tomatoes
Add the anchovies (which you have patted dry) and capers, salt, pepper and red pepper flakes
Reduce heat to 1/2 and stir
Sauté for 10 minutes. More if you so chose.
Serve over pasta and top with fresh grated Parmigiano-Reggiano. Delicious!